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I began this live hangout with a cough. Seriously though, its full title is The Rape Crisis Network And Why It Should Be Shut Down. That was too long for YouTube, so...
Before the main subject I mentioned my inability to manage Streamlabs, covered the recent reignition of the Michael Jackson smear campaigns, and a couple of recent cases of drunk women - one who was raped and the other who only claimed she was.
I covered a bit of the history of rape crisis centres from the very first one, founded in Australia in 1971, to the current day. They are not all called rape crisis centres but there are variants including the organisation Women Against Rape.
I covered counselling, therapy, delayed reporting - which facilitates false allegations.
Hoaxes, women who lie for whatever reason, and how rape crisis centres encourage these liars, consciously or otherwise. Also how they encourage women who are emotionally disturbed or not right in the head to make false allegations. Feminist statistics are par for the course for such organisations, and on occasion Satanic abuse.
I covered a number of cases of falsely accused men, including Steve Carney and Alexander Economou - the latter of whom was libelled by Lisa Longstaff on a live BBC programme, although she didn’t actually mention him by name.
I covered the dangers of delayed reporting and purportedly delayed reporting including one of my favourite cases, that of Graham Dawes. And generally, indoctrination, brainwashing, including of the police.
I played a few clips - audio only - during the hangout.
The International False Rape Timeline can be found at this link: